Choreographed light sequence,audience look at each other for 3 min

man enters and manually unrolls a projection screen

audience watch a video recording of themselves for 3 min

audience 1
(facing audience 2)

audience 1
(facing screen)


camera recording
(facing audience 1)

projection of audience 1
(facing audience 1)

camera recording
(facing audience 2)

projection of audience 2
(facing audience 2)

audience 2
(facing audience 1)

audience 2
(facing screen)


year: 2015
media: installation
duration: 15min/session
presented: Empty Space, Zaal3, The Hague, NL

In a theater space, the audience is seated on the stage and in the auditorium facing each other. The two sides of the audience are being presented to each other by the sequence of light composition. When the light eliminates both sides, the ticking sound of an analog timer takes over the silence and indicating the beginning of something. At the same time, both sides are being captured with cameras. The confusion starts to transform into anxiety and after three minutes the timer rings and the lights turn off. Total darkness. A projection screen being rolled down as a curtain between the two audience groups. The projection plays the past three minutes of their confrontation. Each side looks at the video recording of themselves. When the projection is over, the screen is rolled up and both sides of the auditorium confront again that follows with applause to each other.